Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, developed by the legendary game designer Hideo Kojima, has continued to captivate players worldwide since its release. The game’s rich narrative, open-world design, and complex characters contribute to its enduring popularity. In a surprising turn of events, a new update for Metal Gear Solid V introduces a groundbreaking feature—players can now take control of Quiet, a unique and enigmatic character within the Metal Gear universe. This article delves into the details of this exciting update and its implications for the gaming community.

I. The Enigmatic Character: Quiet

Quiet, a sniper and one of the central characters in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, has garnered attention for her mysterious nature and exceptional combat abilities. Her unique storyline and interactions with the game’s protagonist, Venom Snake, contribute to the overarching narrative. Initially introduced as an antagonist, Quiet undergoes significant development throughout the game, making her a memorable and complex character.

II. The New Update: Playing as Quiet

Metal Gear Solid 5

The latest update for Metal Gear Solid V brings a game-changing feature to the forefront—players can now experience the game from Quiet’s perspective. This addition marks a departure from the traditional protagonist-focused gameplay and offers a fresh and unique perspective on the events of The Phantom Pain. The update opens up a range of possibilities for players to explore Quiet’s abilities, skills, and interactions within the game world.

III. Quiet’s Abilities and Gameplay Mechanics

Quiet’s character in Metal Gear Solid V is known for her exceptional marksmanship, agility, and stealth. As players take control of Quiet, they gain access to her specialized skills and abilities. The gameplay mechanics emphasize long-range sniping, swift and silent movement, and the use of special equipment tailored to Quiet’s playstyle. This new perspective challenges players to adapt their strategies and tactics to fully utilize Quiet’s strengths.

IV. Impact on Storytelling and Lore

Allowing players to experience the game from Quiet’s point of view has significant implications for the storytelling and lore of Metal Gear Solid V. Players can now witness key events and encounters through Quiet’s eyes, gaining insights into her thoughts, motivations, and experiences. This narrative shift enhances the overall depth of the game and provides a fresh layer of storytelling that adds to the intrigue surrounding Quiet’s character. Magic: The Gathering – Tactics: Unraveling the strategic picture with us, more details at the link.

V. Community Reaction and Speculation

The introduction of the ability to play as Quiet has generated considerable excitement and speculation within the Metal Gear Solid community. Players are eager to explore the game from a new perspective and uncover additional layers of the narrative. The update has sparked discussions on forums, social media, and fan communities, with players sharing their experiences, theories, and strategies for mastering Quiet’s gameplay.

VI. Longevity and Continued Support

Metal Gear Solid V’s enduring popularity is attributed not only to its compelling narrative but also to the ongoing support and updates provided by the developers. The introduction of the “Play as Quiet” feature exemplifies the commitment to keeping the game fresh and engaging for both new and existing players. This approach to post-launch support contributes to the longevity of Metal Gear Solid V in the gaming landscape.

VII. Reviews and Player Feedback

Initial reviews and player feedback regarding the “Play as Quiet” update have been positive, with many praising the innovative approach to expanding gameplay. GameSpot and IGN, prominent gaming review platforms, have featured articles and reviews discussing the impact of the update on Metal Gear Solid V. The reception from players, combined with critical assessments, provides valuable insights into the success and potential future developments in the Metal Gear Solid series.

VIII. Fandom and Community Resources

metal gear solid

For enthusiasts eager to delve deeper into the Metal Gear Solid universe and stay updated on the latest developments, Fandom serves as a comprehensive resource. Fandom’s Metal Gear Wiki offers detailed information on characters, storylines, and updates, providing a platform for fans to engage in discussions, share strategies, and explore the expansive lore of the series.


The introduction of the “Play as Quiet” feature in the latest update for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain demonstrates the ongoing commitment of the developers to deliver innovative and immersive experiences to players. As the gaming community embraces the opportunity to step into Quiet’s shoes, the Metal Gear Solid series continues to evolve, captivating both longtime fans and newcomers alike.

For further exploration of Metal Gear Solid V and its latest updates, you can visit Fandom.